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Pitkin County Burn Permit

Pitkin County permits are now available on-line or can be emailed to

I understand that I must call the burn permit line at 970-920-5955 each day before I start burning.

Restrictions and Requirements for All Open Burnings

The Colorado Clean Air Act does not allow fires that are a nuisance to others. Open burning is prohibited by the Fire District between the dates of June 1st and September 30th. The owner or responsible person shall notify the burn permit line at 920-5955 prior to burning each day. The permit shall be available at the burn site while burning, and it must be shown upon request of an official. Open burning is only allowed durning daylight hours. All fires must be extinguished before dark. Open burning is not allowed durning periods of extreme fire danger or when winds exceed five miles per hour. Burning is discouraged during afternoon hours because of potential winds. Construction materials, treated or painted wood, trash, any plastics, tires or similar dense or toxic smoke-producing substance are prohibited from being burned. Open burning is prohibited within 25 feet of any structure. A responsible person must attend open burning at all times. Adequate fire control equipment (shovels, water, fire pumps, etc.) must be kept on-site and available while burning. Should the open burn spread out of control or off of the burn property, and fire extinguishment becomes necessary, the owner agrees to pay for any resources other than those owned by the Fire District that may be needed to control and extinguish the fire. The Fire Department and the employees there of, in issuing a permit, assume no liability or responsibility for any hazardous situation created by the applicant or any damage that may occur as a result of open burning. The Fire District has the discretion to extinguish a burn at any time, for any reason.

I understand that failur to comply with the provisions of this permit may result in legal action be taken against my representative(s) or myself.
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